
Church Groups


Choir Church Council Confirmation Class Dorcas Quilters Lutheran Youth Organization Men in Mission Prayer Chain Prayer Circle Service Group Visitation Committee Women of the ELCA


Choir practices at 5:30 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Thursday during September through May.

Church Council

Church Council meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class is a two-year program of weekly instruction for students ages twelve to fourteen. Study of the Bible and basics of Christian faith according to Martin Luther's Small Catechism serve as preparation for Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation). The current group of Confirmation students meets at 4:00 p.m. during September through May.

Dorcas Quilters

The Dorcas Quilters are women of the church who sew quilts for Lutheran World Relief and for local agencies serving those in need. Each year this group provides clean drinking water for African villages by sponsoring at least two shallow water wells through the Marion Medical Mission. They also collect items for health kits distributed through Lutheran World Relief. They meet every Monday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Lutheran Youth Organization

The junior and senior Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) have attended national conferences in Washington D.C. & New York, as well as Indianapolis in recent years.

Men in Mission

This Prayer Breakfast group of about twelve men meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at Ryan's Steakhouse in Paducah for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. This group has been actively involved in a variety of service projects relating to Christian Outreach Program Emergency (C.O.P.E.) of Massac County, Illinois, and Guardian Family Services Center in Metropolis, Illinois.

Prayer Chain

Prayer Chain is activated when Pastor is asked to say a prayer for anyone. He notifies participants via email.

Prayer Circle

Tuesday Prayer Circle is a group of members who gather at the church at 9 a.m. each Tuesday throughout the year.

Service Group

The four Service Groups are responsible for purchasing necessities, making sure there is an adequate suppy of eating utensils, setting up the events mentioned below, cleaning afterwards, and greeting. There are between one and two dozen people assigned to each group, called "A," "B," "C," and "D."

  • Social Hour - Cookies, drinks
  • Showers - for first marriage and first child
  • Expenses - Group Leader is responsible for purchases that exceed donations. The church treasurer will reimburse these expenses.
  • Christmas Decoration and De-decoration - two Service Groups will be assigned to each task

De-decorating after Christmas 2009.

Visitation Committee

The visitation committee calls on people in the hospital and delivers a bud vase to them. Flowers for the sick are chraged to the church and paid by the church treasurer. Each new baby is presented a child's cross.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (WELCA) Bible Study

WELCA Bible Study meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room for supper and Bible study. Currently this group is studying Paul's Letter to the Romans. Participants rotate responsibility for being hostess and study leader each month. Though this group meets every month througout the year, the following months also include special events:

This page last modified on 12/29/2012.
Copyright © May 2010

Lutheran Church of the Cross
2601 North Avenue
Metropolis, Illinois 62960
Please contact the webmaster@lutheranchurchofcross.org to report problems with the site.